Inglewood Associates provides the practical experience, business acumen and creative thinking necessary to "Bridge the Gap" between your current challenges and optimum future solutions.
- Business Performance Advisory - Enhancing value through improved operations, financial restructuring, and active management of cash.
- Transaction Advisory & Valuation - Assessing the quality of earnings of the company and developing a fully vetted forecast that the buyer can count on.
- Interim Management - Managing day to day operations while seeking a fast resolution, strategic planning and plan implementation over a longer time-frame.
- Expert Witness & Litigation Support - Providing not only damages and valuation testimony, but also liability testimony in areas where we have the resident expertise.
Inglewood is made up of 14 professionals who have an average of 40 years of financial and operational experience. The Inglewood team’s experience is both deep and diverse, arising from corporations, accounting firms, banking and real estate development.